katy eales
Running for co-chair
candidate Statement
Hello, my name is Katy Eales (she/her), and I’m currently on the SC in an at-large role. I’m excited to announce my candidacy for 2025 co-chair! This past year, I’ve gained invaluable knowledge by working closely with my fellow slate members Sarah C (current co-chair) and Olivia M (current secretary). I joined our chapter in the summer of 2023, and just six months later, I was elected to our leadership. I’ve greatly enjoyed the work, and I am happy to pass the at-large torch onto my fellow slate members Henry M and Mike V. I hope you’ll take the time to visit our local website and learn more about our shared goals. If you’re interested in our vision for DSA on the national long-term level, then check out Groundwork, a Marxist caucus in DSA whose guiding principle is class formation.
I appreciate my time on the Steering Committee, but there’s still much to be done! I’d like to share my goals for the upcoming year with you. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Resume our Palestine Research Committee. Participation has not been great, but I know that many of you, like me, are passionate about this important work that must continue! Whether elected chapter co-chair or not, I promise to prioritize this work until Palestine is free from the river to the sea.
Continue repping DSA Cincy on the Ohio Palestine General Assembly coalition, ensuring our members have a voice in what the goals should be, how it’s organized, and how our chapter will participate on the day of the event.
Organize a group to attend the No New Bonds Statewide conference to learn more about our tax dollars going to Israel and how we can stop it.
Pro-Palestine orgs across the state continue their local fights. I aim to keep our chapter up to date on actions in our area and report back any lessons learned from our comrades statewide. I shall do this by attending monthly Ohio Advocates for Palestine (OAP) meetings and fostering personal connections.
To maximize our communication efforts, I will create a short mentorship program to help people get comfortable and confident when speaking to strangers about socialism and DSA’s vision for a better future!
Support Amazon KCVG by working with our labor co-chairs to promote events and host fundraisers for the workers. In addition, we need a team to run SBWU work.
Continue my efforts to organize the shared Google Drive and create a thorough guide on the structure and best practices.
Develop Social Media SOPs to train members for various positions on our Comms Committee.
Lastly, as your co-chair, I hope to meet as many of you as possible!
Although I’ve only been involved in politics since 2023, I am proud of how much I’ve accomplished with DSA. I hope my past work gives you the confidence to elect me to co-chair! As a new member, I immediately hit the ground running to prepare myself for leadership and make an impact, including:
Supporting CAHN (Cincinnati Action for Housing Now) at city council by collecting pledges of voter support and plugging into the People Over Profits campaign that our chapter organized!
I heavily amped up my work with electoral by being our best weekday canvasser (in terms of participation), which led to a higher contact rate! I also managed to have our second highest door count.
I attended 95% of our labor meetings as a learning opportunity and went to my first ever picket line to show solidarity with the DHL workers.
I have made various graphics for social media and print materials throughout the year.
I began working on the New Member Handbook, completed this past summer.
During my 2024 At-Large term, I accomplished so much and developed the skills needed to contribute to running a chapter and leading by example. I am so proud of all I’ve done in just one (very long but also short) year:
Phone banked members, encouraging them to sign up for Solidarity Dues.
In February, I attended the DSA Leadership Intensive.
I spoke at the city council to demand they support a ceasefire resolution.
I attended various protests, vigils, and solidarity events and made countless calls to our representatives.
Attended 6 week Organizing for Power course, created by Jane McAlevey
Showed solidarity with Amazon and SBWU when asked to attend events.
I attended Housing WG to strategize when, where, and how to canvass tenants and inform them of their rights while offering help in organizing a Tenant Union.
Helped the SC plan NKY Pride, Cincy Pride, and the July 4th Northside Parade.
Met our National Electoral Campaigns Organizer to learn the ropes on best practices for field leads during campaigns.
Phone banked our membership to recruit canvassers for our No on 2 efforts.
With a three-day turnaround myself, fellow slate members and a couple more cadre organized our post-election protest. This huge success brought many new faces to the following DSA 101 and general meeting.
I’ve spent loads of hours trying to organize the chapters on Google Drive, and this continues to be an ongoing administrative task.
I took over as co-chair for our Palestine Research Committee. This also means I am serving as our chapter's representative in the coalition aiming to create an Ohio Palestine General Assembly, which is expected to occur later this year.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read about my experience and my goals for the next year. I am confident and proud to say that not only myself but all five of our slate members have the skills, passion, and dedication to guide this chapter through the collective unknown future and rising fascism our country is up against. We are here to do the #groundwork and would be grateful for your trust and support.
Building a more just world together,
Your comrade Katy