Mike Viozzi

Running for at-large

candidate Statement

My name is Mike Viozzi, and I’ve been with DSA Cincy since July 2024. I got my start with this chapter during the No on 2 campaign in Kentucky, during which I knocked on around 900 doors in support of public schools. Since then, I’ve been active within the chapter, contributing primarily to the electoral and communications committees.

Since the election, I’ve been hard at work bringing new members into the fold; for some of you reading this, I may have been the first DSA-er you’ve met. It’s my sincere hope that mine has been a good introduction to the chapter. I strive to help maintain the friendly and welcoming culture we’ve built together, which is key to ensuring that new and returning members stick around to contribute. 

Expanding the chapter’s operations will be key to increasing our power base here in Cincinnati. It is my hope that through a concerted effort of outreach to sympathetic local organizations, recruitment (both within and without local orgs), and more social events to bind the chapter together, that we will be able to both bring new blood into the organization and to reactivate lapsed members. 

Beyond expanding our current operations, I would like to see a greater emphasis on ecosocialism in our operations. This is both an ecological imperative, since capitalism got us into this mess in the first place, and a political imperative, since without agitation and organization on this front no positive change can come. To this end, I plan to begin organizing a Green New Deal committee to advance the cause of ecosocialism within Cincinnati. This will be difficult - the many forces of the state and capital will certainly be arrayed against us - but with this chapter’s fierce ground game and dedication to the cause, I have no doubt that we will be successful in time. 

The year to come will bring many struggles, both nationwide and in our little area of responsibility in Cincinnati. The saying, ‘socialism or barbarism’ hasn’t been as relevant as it is now in a long time. Despite the difficult road that lies ahead, I believe that my vision, dedication, and passion for the cause will be beneficial to the chapter in the coming year. I would be honored if you would vote for me as one of the at-large members of the steering committee.